Severe Insulin Resistance in the wild
A Case Study from Donal Collins of Barlow Collins and of Meterbolic.
SD is 53 years old.
She has 5-year history of Prediabetes with HBA1C fluctuating in 41-48 range, It has once hit 49, but not for a second time.
During this time her liver function tests have persistently shown a slightly elevated ALT level. No GGT has been done. Alk phos and Bilirubin always normal.
Lipids recently showed a high TotChol/HDL ratio at 7.1. Triglycerides have not been measured. Total Chol was 5.1
SD has been advised to go on statins. Her advice has been to eat less and move more.
She is mostly vegetarian with some fish. She eats plenty of fruit. She is perplexed as this is a very healthy diet.
BMI is 31, with a waist Circumference of 99cm.
BPs are all normal with readings between 110/60 to 120/70.
Here is her Insulin response curve as follows with and without colour coding:
Kraft Curve Response SD
This shows a high insulin response to her OGTT which is showing a Diabetic curve.
She plans to eat more eggs and fish. Cut out rice and bread. As a simple intervention.
Recheck her HBA1C and bloods in 3 months.
The client left quite emotional.